Yoga Nidra and Singing Bowl

Yoga Nidra, also called the sleep of the yogis, is a “yoga sleep” that allows you to effortlessly achieve deep relaxation.

You travel to the more subtle states of your being. This is where your body’s self-healing capacity can function optimally and you are strongly connected to your inner wisdom and peace. You will feel restored and revitalized, grounded in your authentic self.

Singing bowls are ancient “Tibetan” instruments used for meditation and healing. As the sound travels, the energy moves through you, bringing your physical body and your emotional and mental layers into harmony. Yoga Nidra combined with the singing bowls will only enhance its effects and take you on a blissful journey.

The effects may vary because the practice is self-regulating, meaning you get exactly what you need at that moment.

During this Yoga Nidra & Singing Bowls session, you can experience the following:
– Finding a deep state of peace and tranquility that lives within you and that you can return to after the session.
– Restoration of energy flow in the body, smoothing out blockages and balancing energy centers.
– Finding emotional and mental balance and stability in the turmoil of everyday life
– Connecting with your inner source of wisdom and creativity

This session will be hosted by Frank “Klank” Mannens and Christina Guerra. Christina moved to Portugal but is back in Amsterdam for a few days!
She already teached at Yoga Spot for many years.

Cristina’s website:

Date & Time

October 6
2.30 pm – 4.30 pm


Yoga Spot
studio Buitenveldert
AJ Ernststraat 665 A


€ 30,00


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