Pure Sound
Singing bowls workshop

This event can also be facilitated in English, depending on the participants.

Have you always wanted to get started with singing bowls? You are very welcome to our Pure Sound singing bowls workshop.

During this workshop we will guide you through the intuitive playing of these healing instruments and you will learn about their holistic and spiritual background, as well as intentional and meditative sound healing.

We will then work in groups where you play the singing bowls yourself. This requires tuning in to yourself, to your instrument, to your group and also a bit of courage. Do you dare to let your own sound be heard, of course under our guidance?

We conclude the workshop by undergoing a relaxing sound healing yourself.

You will experience what it is like to play singing bowls intuitively yourself using the techniques we provide, to play together and also to receive.

For anyone who wants to experience the healing effect of sound, and wants to feel what it is like to play singing bowls themselves. Experience or a musical background is not necessary.

Feel free to bring your own singing bowl(s) and your mallet(s).
It is useful to provide your singing bowl(s) with your name (sticker on the bottom of the bowl), just in case……….


This workshop is facilitated by singing bowl player Frank Klank and sound healer Christel Mijers.
Under the name Pure Sound they want to reach people who are open to meditation through sound and music, who are looking for relaxation and deceleration and also for increasing consciousness through inner travel.

They play from intuition, attunement to themselves and that which they deeply Are.

From their own spiritual path and personal development they are gripped by something that was called ‘Nada Brahma’ in the ancient Vedic scriptures: Everything is sound (vibration).

For a relaxed start as a whole group, we open the doors 15 minutes before the start

De Meditatietuin is the building between ‘het Rietveld Huis’ and ‘het Glazen Huis’. Google Maps will show you the way!

Please take into account an extra 5 to 10 minutes walking from the red bridge or main entrance.

Bicycles must be parked outside the park.
Good to know: you risk a fine if you enter the park with your bike (so not even walking with your bike in hand)


December 11
2.30 pm – 5 pm


De Meditatietuin
Amstelpark 6 Amsterdam


regular ticket – € 42,50
duo ticket – € 80,00
refunds not possible


Meer evenementen…


Je bent van harte welkom!

Heb je een vraag of suggestie? Wil je reserveren voor een evenement? Stuur me een mailtje! Wil je een concert of meditatie geven met behulp van mij en mijn klankschalen? Ik sta altijd open voor nieuwe ideeën en initiatieven, dus laat het me weten als je een mogelijkheid voelt om met mij samen te werken!

Mail naar: frankklank@telfort.nl
of bel: 06-40094261