Tummo- breathing & soundbath

Laura Manca & Frank Klank

In this Breath and Sound session the Tummo breathing technique will combined with the sounds of the singing bowls.

Tummo means inner fire.

Tummo breathing brings together visualization and meditation. It was developed thousands of years ago by Tibetan monks and is said to be a faster way to reach enlightenment. The monks in Tibet use this technique to meditate on a mountain in the cold climate, wearing few clothes, without getting cold.
So it is a way to increase body heat.

The effects of Tummo breathing include:
– creating inner warmth
– promote energy flow
– improving concentration
– reducing stress
– enable the inner process of transformation.

Laura guides you through the technique, building it evenly so that you gradually move deeper into the meditative state and get in touch with yourself.
She has been teaching this technique for years and students agree with her that it is the fastest way to clear their minds and get in touch with themselves.
As you breathe, the sounds of the singing bowls will help you go even deeper into meditation, to become even more at peace.

About Laura Manca

Laura is a specialist in DMT breathwork in addition to being familiar with Tummo breathing.
She also is a classified yoga teacher and breath coach.

She uses and shares a holistic approach to wellness, respecting well-being and seeing the beautiful process of development.

Date and Time

October 13
3 pm – 4.30 pm


Thrive Yoga – Oost
2e Atjehstraat 55


€ 30,00

A water bottle, and anything you need to lay down in a comfortable way.

Yoga mats, bolsters and blankets are available

Contra indications
If you are pregnant or you suffer from epilepsy it’s recommand not to join this workshop.
Follow the link for more cotra-indications:

If you have doubts consult your doctor.

Meer evenementen…


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