Pure Sound

a meditative soundbath


With Pure Sound soundhealer Christel Mijers and Frank Klank create something different from a ‘usual’ soundjourney.

Often, soundjourneys involve different instruments.
During Pure Sound Christel and Frank use their singing bowls, supported by a few gongs.

Pure Sound starts as soon as you enter the room.
The singing bowls are scattered around the room and you can lie down among them.
Where you lie down is up to you. Listen to the sound of your intuition.

While Christel will do a short guided meditation we tune in to the energy in the room at that moment and let the singing bowls do their work, complemented by the gong sounds. But also supplemented by the sound of silence.

And then it really is silent for a few moments. Because silence is a sound and in that sound you can sense a lot. The vibrations of the singing bowls also get time to act on your body/mind.

From these silences, the singing bowls take over again.
The journey continues.

Christel Mijers
has a home-based Soundhealing practice in Amsterdam-Zuid. Her holistic background as a life therapist and non-dual coach she now combines with her great love for music, in a unique form of Soundhealing. In this, she combines singing bowls, gongs and other instruments with digital sound(scapes). Besides her own soundhealing recitals and soundjourneys with others, she also does 1-on-1 sessions in which she tailors to your specific request for help.


Mats and meditationcushions are available.



September 6
4 pm – 5.30 pm


De Meditatietuin
Amstelpark 6 Amsterdam


regular ticket – € 29,50
duo ticket – € 55,00


Meer evenementen…


Je bent van harte welkom!

Heb je een vraag of suggestie? Wil je reserveren voor een evenement? Stuur me een mailtje! Wil je een concert of meditatie geven met behulp van mij en mijn klankschalen? Ik sta altijd open voor nieuwe ideeën en initiatieven, dus laat het me weten als je een mogelijkheid voelt om met mij samen te werken!

Mail naar: frankklank@telfort.nl
of bel: 06-40094261