
For the 3rd time we organise a Singingbowls concert at Ons Trefpunt Marken. This will be on Wednesday May 29

What is a soundhealing concert?

Singing bowls are also known as Buddhist bowls or healing bowls.

Singing bowls have a special effect. When you strike/hit a singing bowl, sounds full of overtones are created. These sounds not only consist of audible sound, but also of palpable fine sound vibrations that can resonate deeply through all skin layers. It is literally and figuratively a soft touch with sound. From the inside and the outside. Mental and physical.

The special thing about singing bowls is that they also provide silence.Precisely because of the sound and vibration you can find peace and “hear” silence.

The sounds bring you into contact with the silence within yourself, so to speak. Every sound feels different. How different depends on how you feel at that moment, what you are doing or what keeps you busy.Your body has its own vibration frequency. If you don’t feel well, there may be a blockage somewhere that makes the vibration frequency lower. The vibrations of a singing bowl give your body an inner massage. You feel the vibration all over your body.
Next to the singing bowls a lot of other instruments will be used:
i.e 3 gongs, ocean drum and more.

Your facilitators: Christel Mijers and Frank Klank




May 29
8 pm – 9.30 pm


Het Trefpunt
Kerkbuurt 90


€ 35,00

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